"Where is Fred" Cam !
If your browser supports ActiveX (MS Internet Explorer, Netscape, Mozilla,
some Firefox)
Then with the password you should be able to activate 'FredCam'.
to return to the main web page click back
If you have already performed the ActiveX webcam.ocx install then
you may start FredCam by clicking here_use
. Just follow the Internet Explorer
browser case usage notes below.
The first time you use your ActiveX compatible Browser to run this webcam you
first have to change your "Internet Options" settings to enable the installation
and use of "ActiveX" scripts.
You may also have to disable some of your "Firewall" settings.
Click here_install for instructions.
Contact fred@wogwoe.com to get the password to use this WebCam
Enabling of, and locating of this camera are done at the whim
of Fred Wahl. (installed 3/20/2007)
(note: If your setup cannot get the buttons: "start", "stop",
"property", "webcampantilt", "about" to work then
you have a slow connection such as a 56k modem.
In this case only the one picture at a time capture mode works
using the "Capture" button. TrackerPod should still work. )